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Sometimes a question isn’t really a question! One of the focal points this week in class was on communication in the industry. Our students learned that sometimes requests from a director/casting director (CD) during an audition aren’t up for discussion. But these “requests” might also be disguised as a polite-sounding question or a softened demand (i.e. “Would you please do it with this tweak?” “I’d like to see that scene again.”) For instance, say you’re given an adjustment on a character that you believe is ridiculous or wrong for the scene — you could be completely right! However, voicing that opinion instead of adopting the direction might leave the CD thinking that you are difficult to work with, or even cost you the job. Meanwhile, the request itself may just be an exercise to assess how well you can create as an actor, if you can change previously developed work on the fly, or whether you can take direction without difficulty.

What we learned? Don’t hesitate, jump in and do your best with any suggestions! And definitely don’t say no —even if it sounds like a question, it’s not really optional. They are really assessing how you perform. 

Now with that said, there are situations that you should always be aware of. If you are being asked to do something that can hurt you or hurt others, or it’s morally wrong based on your values, then follow your gut and decline. Let someone know ASAP.

 -Lili Fox-Lim

-Yvette-Janine Pardo



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