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2013-12-29 Natalie resizeWhat are some skills that or areas in which young actors have to work on to enhance continuously? At Actors Youth Academy, we ensure that our youth get feedback in the following areas

1) Punctuality/Attendance, 2) Memorization, 3) Listening skills/ Follows instruction/Takes direction, 4) Articulation, 5) Volume (Speech), 6) Visual poise/posture, 7) Facial expressions, 8) Concentration, 9) Maintains Character, 10) Commitment, 11) Attitude, 12) Enthusiasm, 13) Professional Demeanor, 14) Homework Completed.

Now to write about the importance os each would take a long blog entry, so for today we will talk about the first three.

Picture of actual students Dominique Torres and Natalie Aguilar.



Punctuality/Attendance Parent: In the TV and film industry, time is valueable. There is little tolerance for anything or anyone who contributes to time being wasted. All members of an acting group are disadvantaged by loss of time and repetition of material necessitated by poor punctuality. Punctuality and attendance are evidence of artistic discipline. At some schools, if a student is late, they are considered absent.Student: When we are on time and present, the group is more productive.  This makes sure that directors and producers are happy.
Memorization Parent: In order to demonstrate that your child/the young actor is truly a professional and on top of his or her game in this very competitive industry, s/he must be able to memorize.  Class and homework assignments will entail all kinds of memorization.  If your child is not prepared for class, an audition, or for a job by having his/her lines memorized, then once again time will be lost and industry professionals will not be happy. Practice different techniques with your child/youth for memorizing.  Record the lines and have them listen and say them at the same time of the recording. Have them say lines aloud; it’s important for them to physically know what it’s like to say the words out loud. Have them move around as they say the words; memory is aided by physical movement. Have them stay in character as they practice their lines. Reading is not the same as acting.Student: When we are prepared with our lines memorized, we are seen as professionals.
Listening skills/ Follows instruction/Takes direction Parent: Acting is all about listening and reacting. Your child should pay attention to the words and physical actions of the other actors so they can react accordingly.  An actor who hasn’t developed their listening skills is not engaged with the other actors and therefore not effective. Another reason why listening skills are important is because following instructions and direction is necessary to get the work done efficiently. Directors expect actors to be listening and following directions. Even at the onset at auditions, casting directors give quick special instructions once (and only once) before the audition.  If an actor misses the instructions, they miss the opportunity for landing the job.Student: Listening is so important because if we miss it, we may not get a second chance. If we snooze, we lose, but if we listen, we glisten.



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