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IMG_3821This headshot information is for Youth actors (ages 5-18)

What is a headshot?  Basically, it is the main marketing tool for all actors. Without one, an actor cannot succeed. Now,  there are many questions with regards to what type of headshot if any do you need for an audition for an agent. Some say as long as you have a nice picture that shows who your child is from shoulders and up, that is all you need. They say this because agents know that if they decide to represent you, they may actually ask you to get new headshots and they understand this can be expensive for some. Some say you don’t need a professional photographer for this round at all for the same reason stated above.  Others suggest you start with the same tools as professionals so that agents believe you are committed as you have already started investing some money into this career. Which ever way you choose to go, be aware of the following:

  1. Its not called a head shot for nothing.  the Face should be the majority of picture. Some headshots photographers take pictures that include torso and bust line.  Only have them do that if the agent has requested it or they are doing that in addition to taking pictures of shoulders and head too.
  2. There is limited amount of background seen in the picture so there is no distraction from the face.  We have had some beautiful pictures taken, and industry professionals have said that is not a headshot, because of the distraction of the trees or the buildings.
  3. Photo should look like child on a any given day.  Do not overdress the child.  Agents want to see the headshot and recognize the youth they interviewed or vice versa.
  4. Should it be a picture showing teeth or not?  If braces, yes.  If for this is a commercial headshot, yes.  If this is a theatrical (film or TV), not needed.
  5. With regards to their clothing or accessories, here are some suggestions
    1. No black or white tops/shirts
    2. No bold prints, flowers, stripes, polka dots.  You don’t want too busy that will distract from the face.
    3. No clothing with logos.
    4. When you go to a photoshoot, take different color tops/shirts, and have the photographer pick which will work best for your child/youth/you.
    5. Do not over-­‐style hair (the headshot should represent what the youth looks like on a normal day)
    6. No jewelry or hair accessories that distract (bows, large jeweled clips, colorful headbands. (again you don’t want to compete with the face.
    7. Look natural: Younger kids – no makeup and Teens – very little or no makeup
  6. The head shot should be  8×10  (not 8.5 x 11). That is the industry standard.  If you are printing your own headshots, you may not find photo paper that is 8×10.  So make sure you print (Document set up 8×10) and cut of addition .5 and 1 inch excess.
  7. What should you do if you choose a professional photographer?
    1. Always visit their website.
    2. Know that an amazing photographer for other things doesn’t make an amazing headshot photographer. Headshot photographers understand the lighting needed for the face. They also know how to capture the best facial expressions for each child.
    3. Do not pay too much.  You are starting out.  You can get great pictures between 100-$250.  The more looks you have (change of clothes),  the more it may cost.
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