Twenty one of our students were showcased performing scenes and monologues. This was Actors/Actores Youth Academy first showcase ever and everyone was nervous and wondering what the agents would think. Well, it was a success, of the 21 youth who performed, 15 were selected by agents for follow-up. That’s pretty fantastic. A special thanks to both our Head Teacher Maegan McConnell who co-directed the showcase with Sherry Perry, one of our other teachers. Scenes and monologues were in English, in Spanish, and Spanglish. It was great, and it was funny. The showcase evaluations results showed 100% Excellent in Overall Performance,100% Excellent on Timeliness, and 100% Excellent on it being Beneficial to Them as Agents. There you have it !!! Comments included keep up the good work, loved the Spanish woven in, and loved the format and presentation. One agent said that he can see AYA growing large in no time, and so can we. AYA is awesome.
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